# If you change (eg translate) these messages, send us a copy
# and we will then distribute the new list.
# Set-up menu lists, names etc.
Title:!U2 (in hi-res mode)
Purpose:binary/ascii convertor
Authors:Paddy Spencer & Ian Giblin
# Error messages
CantOpen:Sorry - couldn't open %s.
ScrapErr:Could not access ScrapDir.
ExtErr:Could not extract parts correctly. Proceed as if parts in order?
DecFail:Encoded file appears to be incomplete (no `end' line?). This is not necessarily fatal, but you may need a new copy of the encoded file.
NoEnd:No 'end' line. This is not necessarily fatal; the decoded file may be intact. Why not have a look?
NoFree:Insufficient space to write to %s
AppDrag:Please don't do that...
NoBegin:Unable to decode %s: no begin line. Are you convinced it is a UUEncoded file?
TooMany:Sorry - this split encoding would result in too many files. Please increase the Split size.
NoFiletF:Filetypes file not found: creating stopgap backup...
BadFiletF:Filetypes file corrupt!
NoFilet:No Filetypes found!
NoOptsF:Could not open <U2$Dir>.Options for writing.
Busy:Sorry, I'm busy right now.
# !Help Messages
IconH:This is the U2 icon. |MClick on the icon for the options window.|MDrag a binary file to this icon to encode it. |MDouble-click on a &00E or &3FE encoded file to decode it.
Opts:This is the options window.|MUse this to determine how files will be en/decoded.
OptsT0:Click on this icon to accept the options as shown and close the window.
OptsT1:Click on this icon to close the window without changing the options.
OptsT2:Click on this icon to accept and save the options as shown and close the window.
OptsT3:Click on this icon to reset the window to the default settings.|MClicking on 'OK' will then make them the current settings.
OptsT4:Click on this icon to reset the window to the current settings.
OptsT5:Click on this icon to load the manual file.
OptsP3:Click on this icon to set the encoded filename to <file>/uue, |Mwhere <file> is the (possible trunctated) name of the input file.
OptsP4:Click on this icon to set the encoded filename to Enc_xx/uue, |Mwhere xx is a number less than 100, that is incremented with each encoding.
OptsP7:Click on this icon to include the filetype in the 'begin' line.
OptsP8:Click on this icon to include the filetype in a separate line, and convert the RISC OS access codes into a UNIX 'chmod' number in the 'begin' line of the encoded file.
OptsP11:Click on this icon to split the encoded file into several, smaller files.
OptsP12:Click on this icon to set the split file size by number of lines.
OptsP13:Click on this icon to set the split file size by number of Kbytes.
OptsP15:This icon shows the current size of each part in a split encoding.|MThe size can be entered directly in this icon.
OptsP16:Click on this icon to bring up a menu of default split sizes.
OptsP19:Click on this icon to decode to the file's original filename.
OptsP20:Click on this icon to set the decoded filename to Dec_xx/uue, |Mwhere xx is a number less than 100, that is incremented with each decoding.
OptsP23:Click on this icon to set the decoded file's type to other than the default.
OptsP24:Click on this icon to read the filetype from the encoded file.
OptsP25:Click on this icon to have the filetype defined in this window.
OptsP27:This icon contains the filetype used if 'User' is set.|MThe filetype can be entered directly in this icon.
OptsP28:Click on this icon to bring up a menu of filetypes.|M(These are contained in the file !U2.Filetypes)
OptsP30:Click on this icon to parse the encoded file for multiple parts.|MThis tends to slow down the decoding somewhat.
OptsP33:Click on this icon to bring up a dialogue box with names, types and estimated filesizes for confirmation of the process.
OptsP34:Click on this icon to delete the input file after processing.
OptsP35:Click on this icon to make the process multitasking.
OptsP36:Click on this icon to attempt to set the access codes of the decoded file |Min a UNIX-like way.
Con:This is the Confirm box, with details of the process and a prompt for confirmation.
Con1:This is the process to be performed.|M(Extract) means that !U2 will first parse the input file and attempt to |Mextract the separate parts of the encoded data prior to decoding.
Con2:Click here if you want to continue.
Con3:Click here if you don't want to continue.
Con4:This is the input filename.
Con5:This is the input file's icon.
Con6:This is the input file's size.
Con7:This is the proposed output filename.
Con8:This is the output file's icon.
Con9:This is an _estimate_ of the output file's size.
MT:This box appears when U2 is running in multitasking mode.
MT0:This is the process currently underway.
MT1:This is the input file's icon.
MT2:This is the input file's name.
MT3:This is the output file's icon.
MT4:This is the output file's name.
MT5:This gives an indication of how far the process has gone.
MT6:Click here if you want to stop the process now, rather than wait for it to finish.